I shared this a couple of weeks ago over at Craft Snob….but it’s perfect for today! And if you have a dishtowel and 15 minutes….you can still make a couple!
Hi everyone! I am Elizabeth, one half of the duo of sisters-in-law who blog at Simple Simon and Company. We love all things family, sewing, the art of homemaking and in between try to maintain our own sanity! But that’s one of the reasons we love to sew….it gives us something to do everyday that cannot be undone. And we love use the phrase that anyone can sew because we truly believe it!
One thing that we love at Simple Simon and Company is a quick afternoon project—and today’s feature is no exception to that rule. It is a dishtowel turned Halloween Tote that took me just over 15 minutes to complete—so it is totally doable before Halloween for your little ones! And they turn out so cute…..perfect for gathering lots of loot on Halloween night.
Let’s get started shall we?
Supply List:
* One woven dishtowel for each tote
*Scrap felt to embellish totes
*Fabric Glue
*Cording for handles (1.5 yards for each tote)
*Matching thread
*Buttonhole foot (optional)
Step One: Fold dishtowel in half width-wise with right sides together. Sew up side seams.
Step Two: Turn bag right sides out and glue on felt embellishments with fabric glue. Pin in place to hold until the glue dries (or you can stitch the embellishments on).
Step Three: Turn bag wrong-side out and find the bottom seam. Place the bottom corner into this shape to form bag gusset. Mark 2-3 inches in from point with a straight line. Stitch. Repeat for other bottom corner.
Step Four: Find where you want your tote handles to be. Mark with a pencil. Using your buttonhole foot, make a buttonhole. Repeat 3 more times for all tote-handle-holes.
Step Five: Cut your cords 3/4 yard long and slip through tote, tying knots at both ends to keep the cord in place. Repeat for other side of tote.
And you are done! Now, it’s time for the CANDY!!!!!
Thanks again for having us!!!!
We would love to see your finished totes over
at Simple Simon and Company’s facebook page.
at Simple Simon and Company’s facebook page.
LOVE this! These would make GREAT small shopping totes as well! TFS!!