Sorry, we are interrupting our series for a day….but I promise it’s for a good cause (and good tutorial)! Today we are over at Sew, Mama, Sew sharing in their quilting series and giving you a project for all those orphan quilt blocks that didn’t make it into quilts. They make great pockets!!!!
See you there! And just to let you know…..coming up this week we will be talking buttonholes, zippers, sewing darts, inserting sleeves and much more! (It’s going to be a good week….)
And we do have a bit of sewing advice from Lindsay, The Cottage Mama about what she wished she’d known when she started sewing.
“I wish I would have known when I started sewing is in regards to gathering. When I first started sewing, I would try to cheat and run my gathering stitches at 1/4″ (even if my pattern seam allowance was 1/2″) so I didn’t have to pick out any gathering stitches later. I couldn’t figure out why my gathering never looked perfect. I thought you were supposed to run two rows of gathering stitches in case one of the threads broke. Nope. You run two rows because it makes more beautiful even gathers and if you don’t gather in your seam allowance or beyond (say at 5/8″ for a 1/2″ seam allowance), then you will end up with uneven looking pleats instead of beautiful gathers. It’s worth ripping out the extra gathering stitches for the look you will achieve. A light-bulb went off when I figured this one out. And now maybe you won’t make the same mistake I did.”
See you tomorrow!
That skirt looks gorgeous!