This past week I had the pleasure of being able to create a few projects with Hawthorne Threads new Coyote prints.
And I totally fell in love with them!!!
For my first project I made Ruth a new dress…but Grace took it over mid project and made it hers. Luckily they wear basically the same dress size so they will be able to share this one.
I made a basic A line dress with a peter pan collar.
I wanted a simple design that would really be able to show off the fabric.
The southwestern prints of these fabrics have such a delicate feminine quality that I really wanted them to be the star of the show.
And because I have two girls I have two dresses. This one finished….and there is one more coming soon….
Until then I am excited to be a part of Hawthorne Threads Coyote Blog Hop.
And because of this I get to give away a sample fat quarter bundle of this beautiful fabric to one of you!!!
All you need to do is leave a comment telling us what you are working on today whether it’s sewing, cleaning, or laundry and you are entered to win. We will announce the winner next week along with another fun dress made from this sweet fabric line!
I’m knitting a shawl from So Very Shannon’s lorelai pattern
What a beautiful dress! And it’s like the perfect match to the wall in the background 😉 Oh yes, I’m at work today, using my lunch break for some blog reading…
I cut out fabric for a new dress for myself this morning while my kids had their first morning back at kindergarten after the Easter holidays. Hoorah for the kids being back at kindergarten!
I am working on a baby blanket for my soon to be born grand daughter. I have four grand sons so this is a real joy for me!
Sewing for Kids Clothes Week!
I wish it was sewing, but Monday is Laundry day.
Today I’m focused on getting some reports for work done!
Do I get extra credit if I’m doing laundry and sewing? 🙂 Probably cleaning should be on the list, but… it’s not! Thanks for the chance to win– the dress is lovely!
I’ll be working on going to the dentist & doctor, doing laundry, cooking dinner, and hopefully piecing batting scraps together for a couple table runners.
love the darling simplicity of this dress and the fabric is gorgeous! Today I’m doing grocery lists, laundry and dr’s appts. Sewing work in progress is a ruffled crib skirt for a friend.
Beautiful dress! I love the soft palette. I love the tiny arrow print–saw that on Instagram yesterday–so pretty. I reaaalllly want to sew, however, I have a hair apt, need to make appointments, go to the grocery store and bank, do double duty driving for my girls this afternoon (aka. trying to be in two places at once), finish folding the laundry and try to do the bills!
Yard work! I’m waiting on backing fabric to arrive for my quilting project to be finished…waiting is hard!
Cleaning and packing for a night away first but hopefully time for sewing later – working on a patchwork bag x
It is miserable outside today, so the lighting in my sewing room is not conducive to sewing. Instead, I am taking the opportunity to clean through my sewing room. Boy does it NEED it! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am going to teach a beginning sewing class to kids.
I’m doing some charity sewing for Days for Girls and working on customizing a pattern for swimsuits for my nieces. They’re skinny and tall, so everything needs lengthened.
I’m sewing clothes for grandkids today, along with babysitting for one of them…..a 2 yr old
My quilt! Finally I get to free motion the top of it.
I’m working on coachella shorts and then moving on to a purse. I love the arrows on the dress collar… so sweet.
I’m working on a summery quilt for my little grandson!
I am cleaning my house today but I am hoping to get a little sewing in as well.
I am working on my house and hopefully sewing a couple gifts today. Zipper pouches!
I get to work for 8hrs. Then I hope to go home and sew a wallet and a quiet book.
Getting inspiration for quilts.
I’m working on not going nuts on bedrest!
Keeping my sweet grandson. He has autism and is a delight and challenge at the same time. Preparing the backing for a quilt top finish from yesterday.
Today it is laundry . The dress is beautiful by the way !
I’m babysitting for a friend today and catching up laundry. Thanks for the chance! This little dress is precious!
I’m working on sewing, cleaning, AND laundry, lol. This collection is gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win!
Catching up on dishes and doing some sewing here!
I am doing a ton a laundry and cuddling today, my youngest was sick throwing up all night.
I love these fabrics! We are painting our house room by room. Today it is the living room. I would rather be quilting!
Today I am knitting, trying to finish this last project before I switch over to warm weather crafting.
I’m working on finishing the binding on a baby quilt. Only a little to go!
Cleaning, unfortunately. My morning sickness is telling me I should just lay on the couch instead though.
I am finishing the binding on a baby quilt for my friend who is due any day now!
I bought potting mix this morning, so will soon be filling my pots for the patio and deck.
Its a rainy Monday here in Northern Illinois. As much as I wish I were sewing the day away, I am cleaning & doing laundry.
I helped my mom over the weekend, so today I need to play catch-up on my errands and a run to the grocery store.
All of the above! Throw in a little baking, too. My 3yo keeps asking to bake things so we need to make something…
I’m at work but will be cutting out another t-shirt to sew while I watch The Voice tonight.
Really like the dress and the fabric it was made out of. I am still working on a reversible quilt as you go quilt.
Sadly, I have grades due today and a heap of laundry. But I do plan to start cutting pieces for some cute wallets I am making my kids and nieces and nephews as a just because gift. Then I want to start a new summer library tote bag. And of course, there is the quilt I am planning. I have way to many ideas and not enough time…
Errands, gardening, and cleaning!
I’ve been grocery shopping today. Hopefully later today I will do some crocheting around some burp clothes.
I have 5 loads of laundry to fold, dishes to wash, and Easter dresses to sew. (Are they still Easter dresses if they are nearly a month late?)
I’m working on painting my house in preparation for selling. Sadly, my sewing machine is at the storage locker, but she comes home in just three weeks now 🙂
I’m doing some laundry and cardmaking today.
Oh my, she is adorable! I have quite the busy day of playing catch-up. Dishes and laundry. Then cleaning off the sewing table which includes hemming a dress and a skirt, ironing, and several small mending projects so I can attack the wedding dress that is waiting to be altered. I think I should go back to bed. 🙂
I am working spherically today. LOL
Cleaning the house, and cleaning out the car (gross), and working on a blog post that is due tomorrow, and rephotographing the belt I made (for said blog post) because it is on me and I am super critical about those photos, and obviously procrastinating a whole bunch:)
I am working on the binding of a ufo that I needed to finish. Sticking to my New Years resolution! Love Hawthorne Threads fabrics. Thank you for the chance.
Well right now I’m bumming on my computer, but I do need to clean the bathrooms and continue pattern testing the new shirt for Mouse House Creations!
I’m working on my cute yellow skirt that needs a waistband in my mind, while my hands take care of my sick family including the husband with the flu!!
I have sick kids today but I’m taking a few minutes to check on the Simple Simon blog for a little bit of grown-up talk! 🙂
I am working on quilting a wedding quilt for hubby’s niece. Wedding is May 9 so I had better get it done soon!
I have been working on summer clothes for my 2 year old and having so much fun! Love this fabric!!
I’m working on some alterations this morning, but this afternoon my UFO group will be coming so that is when I get to work on my own projects. I’ll either be working on a hexie project or an applique project this afternoon. Haven’t decided which one yet.
Working on granny squared by Lori Holt and my March mini. Gathering patterns and fabrics for Birthday quilts as well as projects for cuvil war club.
I am paying bills, yuck! Currently working on a stained glass quilt top, but putting that on hold to cut out some new tops.
I’m working on cleaning & shopping today.
I’m hard at work but was able to sneak in some hand quilting during my lunch break!
No sewing today, like many others I am trying to catch up on chores around the house.
I am working on cutting out the fabric for a charity quilt that our church quilting group is putting together. Almost done!
Working and sneaking in moments to star a new baby quilt
I’m working on sewing my “too small” scraps into color block improv. squares.
this is my day to iron!!!
I’ve been sewing all morning. Now I’m off to take care of my kids and do some errands.
Beautiful fabric! I’m hoping to test out a block on a new quilt pattern tonight. Last night it didn’t work, so hopefully it does tonight!
I am switching out winter and summer clothes and also trying to sew some summer clothes
I am finishing up schooling my kiddos and drooling over some sewing blogs. LOVE your blog.
I just fondled and cut a little bit of fabric
The sun has shone so I worked in my garden!!
I love your site. It is one of my favorite craft sites. Today I made a meal list, went grocery shopping, planted peas and okra in my garden, took my kids back and forth to school, and will soon be helping my kids with homework and making dinner. The whole time, I am day dreaming about what doll craft, crochet pattern, or sewing project that I want to do next. Thanks for the inspiration, crafty ideas, and the giveaway!
Just finished my Clemence skirt from Tilly and the buttons x
I’ll be working on finishing two hand sewn hexagon pillows. Thanks for the chance to win!
That is such a cute dress. Thank you for the giveaway. I am working on an Arkansas Cross Road Scrap Quilt.
I’m working on a tank top for my daughter and some shorts for my grandsons.
Sewing,cleaning, and making beans!
Such a lovely dress! I feel like I totally missed out on the peter pan collars, by the time they started appearing my daughter was too opinionated and nixed the idea (she’s almost 10, so yeah, opinionated). As for today, all I got to do was clean, clean clean and run errands. We had spring break last week and all the detritus needed clearing out!
I am working on making a pouch.
I am working on making a baby quilt with economy blocks.
I am making a pouch.
I am making a baby quilt.
I have been sick today but yesterday, I worked on 4 zipper pouches.
I worked my day job and now home sewing on a quilt for my godson!
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric. Love your dress! Today I was with my mom, helping her shop and get her errands done. 🙂
I’m making a skirt out of my grandmother’s tablecloth. To match the one I made my daughter…from the same tablecloth. So cute!
I am working on two doll quilts for my great-niece’s doll bed…….
What a beautiful dress!!! The feather print is my favorite.
Today I’m working, which means sewing & planning.
Matching fabrics & 1930’s patterns for Crazy for You the musical.
Finishing a veil for a UK bride.
Sewing ties & a hook onto a silk beach cover up
Finishing 2 bow ties for a groom & page boy
And packing up 32cm of my daughters hair to donate to that will make a wig for a child with alopecia.
Then a walk to the Post office with all my goodies & to get some fresh air & exercise.
My sewing space is recovering from prom dress sewing!
Oh, how I wish I was in my sewing room today and creating to my heart’s content! Instead, I had 2 meetings to attend and will be starting a month long teaching job that will keep me away from my machine. Soooo sad!
Today I whipped out a couple of potholders (from you tutorial! Thanks!).
No sewing today. I spent most of the day house cleaning.
What an adorable dress and fabric! I am currently upcycling an old tee into a new tee for my nephew!
LOVE that sweet dress. I started my day cleaning, and had to take something down to my sewing room and got sidetracked while I was down there and started cutting out some jewelry rolls for Mothers day gifts. Speaking of…I just have a few more pieces to cut out and then I get to sew them all up. Hopefully I am done before Mothers day! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Pulling out hundreds of dandelions! Will have to get to some sewing to make up for it.
Very light and delicate looking. I haven’t been able to sew lately since we are trying to move. But I did get a wall painted tonight.
I kept a 17 month-old, a four and five year-old and two eight year-olds in all their original pieces and made dinner and finished the binding on two potholders. No, not supermom, just one tired daycare provider!
I just JUST finished stitching the label onto my biggest quilt to date! I’m a bit chuffed 🙂
Pillow covers for my front porch furniture. Yay, spring!
My family just moved, so I’m working on getting everything put away so we can feel settled and relaxed again. But, of course, my real focus is on getting my sewing room put together 🙂
Attempted to clean while chasing after kiddos. 🙂 Super cute dress!
managed to sew the reversible bag from project run & play yesterday, but today my 9 week old daughter is a bit unwell, so I am writing this with her asleep on my lap
Laundry in the morning, going to school in the afternoon (I’m a PhD student) and hopefully some sewing in the evening!
After a couple boot camp classes at the YMCA I will be working on piecing a quilt top. It’s a happy quilt with star blocks in bright colors. Fun!
Pretty dress! I am helping a friend move today. I am excited for her and can’t wait to sew something for her new home.
I’m planning on sewing, doing laundry, and playing outside!
I plan to do a little sewing. I have a couple of birthday gifts I need to sew…a hooded towel and a silk pillowcase.
Started my retirement today and looking forward to sewing again.
I’m going for a run and then I hope to finish up a skirt and start a dress – kids clothes week!
Right now I’m at work, answering the switchboard & transferring calls around the campus.
It’s cleaning and laundry day here. Maybe sewing later.
Beautiful dress!
I’m making nail decals today and hopefully sewing some headbands tomorrow;)
I would rather be sewing!!!!! We are getting ready to install hardwood floors, so I am packing up the living room today…..:(
I’m making an opera length necklace using gold wire and blue beads. It’s almost as satisfying as making something with fabric.
Sewing purses!
making a wedding dress today
Today is ” finish the big custom quilt” day! Oh and I get Addie for the afternoon, nothing like a two year old to keep you on your toes!
I’m making burp cloths for all my friends that are mommies to be!
I’m making burp cloths for all my friends that are mommies-to-be!
I was working on a new bag till 3:30 this morning! Finally…a little something for me, as I just finished a ninja duffel bag for one of my grandsons and after I make a bag for myself, more duffel bags are next!
I’m seeing some baby bibs and burp cloths for a friend’s shower gift.
I have family coming for a visit this afternoon, then I’m working on a quilt for my daughter. I have to finish piecing the back, then on to basting and quilting!
P.S. Where can I find the a-line pattern? It is adorable!
What a lovely fabric line and your dress is adorable in those fabric choices. I plan on making another throw pillow for my oldest daughter to match the other quilted one I already made her. Thanks!
After grocery shopping and a bit of yard work I will continue to work on my pet portrait wall hanging featuring my beautiful Siamese Maurice.
I love this fabric!! What a beautiful dress! Today I’m working on sewing up a Dane size dog bed while my granddaughter naps. So grateful that I get to watch her two days a week. I treasure our time together.
I am working on matching handbags for my DIL and my granddaughter!
Today I hope to work on my granny square quilt if I can get throughmwith errands.
After I finish my Bible study for today, I am going to finish applying the ruffle trim and band to recipe embroidered Tea Towels. Then, I am going to cut out the over skirt for my grand daughter’s Princess dress.
I love this fabric! I’m at work today. Wishing I was at home sewing!
Right now I am breastfeeding… today’s agenda includes stay at home mom of messy kids duties, hopefully a little nap, and then go to the ice rink for figure skating for my eldest. After kiddos go to bed is my sewing quiet time. 🙂
Love, love, love this fabric and the sweet dress. I am making tshirts appliqued with arrows, thunderbirds, and crosses, and maybe even a teepee. This fabric would be perfect.
Today I’m finishing my last low volume plus blocks and then will start cutting fabric for a quilt for my daughter.
I;m ordering some coyote fabric to make a skirt–top, fitted will be Prickly Pear and full bottom will
be Furance Creek border. While I await delivery I’m working on a scottie dog quilt–Sandy Klop pattern.
Back to patterns–they are so expensive–do you know you can go to a thrift shop, get a skirt (or whatever)
that fits you, take it home, take it apart and use that as your pattern?? Really works.
I am working on a couple end of the year teacher quilts for some wonderful teachers
Busy Spring Day working with students, Zumba class, grocery shopping and cooking up a storm.
This fabric is so delightful, and your choice of dress pattern is perfect. I want to make a darling dress for my granddaughter using the same print. Thanks for the fun opportunity.
Aside from the day job, I am working on my first muslin for a blouse for myself. Love the dress you made!
Oh this dress is just beautiful! I’m making a flying geese quilt with Alexia Abegg’s Mesa Collection. I can’t wait till it’s finished!
lovely dress and amazingly lovely fabric … i really love them both … i’m doing laundry for 7, then getting ready to pin and cut out 6 geranium dresses (from madebyrae) … i’ll have to use some of this fabric for the next 6 — lots of granddaughters … LOL
thanks for the giveaway …. darlene
I am at school today, but I did a lot of outdoor spring cleaning in the garden and yard this weekend – even though it is supposed to snow later this week here in upstate NY : (
I’m working on a quilt today. Thanks for the chance to win.
after cleaning my kitchen,washing some fabrics,tracing 2 patterns,I should be ready to cut and sew but still not sure what pattern and which pattern. Always doubting…..
Today is a non-stitching day for me. But even when I’m not laying down thread you’ll find me dreaming about my next sewing project, and this little A-line is so dog gone cute it goes to the top of my “to-sew” list now! LOVE this fabric!!!
I am making a baby blanket for a expectant mother the shower is saterday….
I’m heading outside to work in the yard on the first sunny day we’ve had in a week!
love these fabrics. i am making a birthday card for my husband today.
Right now I am working on Lunch, but, when I get home later today… I will be working on quilting motifs. Practicing them in pencil on paper, trying to get the feel and the movement before I sit in front of the sewing machine.
Today I am cutting fabric for a new quilt top.
I’m working on a baby quilt for a dear friend’s first grandchild (it’s a boy!!) 🙂
I am at work, but when I get home I will be working on adorable short sets for Day In The Park!!!! =)
This fabric is beautiful! I am working on some table runners for my livingroom. Thank!
Oh I am so happy to land here on your happy little blog! So pretty! Does shuttling children in between laundry and volunteering count?! Thankfully carpool line gives me time to knit! Thanks for the opportunity!
Today, I was testing a pattern for Gracious Threads! And this line of fabrics would be perfect for it!
I’ve been working on a Spring and Summer wall hanging. Just about done. Found some great fabric to make a grand daughter a dress. Looking for a pattern . . .
Working on bibs! Also, baby bonnets. (Not to mention thinking about what will we have for lunch…dinnner…) Love the dress, by the way.
love the dress. I am trying to figure out why my quilt pattern is not working right, and running errands. it is snowy out so the errands are slow in doing! I have been looking fondly at the coyote and would absolutely love to win to make this snow not so icky.
Am trying to talk my brother into printing me an enlarged map of my town (48-60″ wide by whatever) to stitch as a whole cloth city map quilt.
A bit of cleaning, a few errands and last, but not least sewing!!!
Laundry! And dreaming of my next sewing project, likely another Poolside tote for summer fun!
My next sewing project list!
I need to be sewing some toadstool seat cushions for the fairy tea party we’re having on Saturday but my poor baby is sick so I’m just giving cuddles.
Today I watched a YouTube video on how to make a sawtooth star quilt. I made one block. Yeah!!!
Thank you for your blog:)
I am catching up on my email. Soon I will be trying to print on fabric.
Very cute dress. Loved the collar! My day is being spent enjoying blogs new to me, like yours! Right after this comment post I’ll be a nwe subscriber to Simple Simon and Co. Thanks!
Today I am doing laundry after spending the morning running errands. Tomorrow I will be binding a quilt to hang in front of the fireplace on a quilt rack built by our talented grandson.
getting some orders finished up for Etsy shop… this AM was snap elastic kids belt
getting some orders finished up for Etsy shop … this AM was snap elastic kids belt
All my plans to finish sewing a pretty party dress in size 2T have flown out the window, as we are in the middle of what has been called a “storm in a century” here in Sydney Australia, so instead my husband and I will be trying to keep on top of the water damage to the carpet in our bedroom. And we are on the second floor of an apartment block! Ah well, maybe tomorrow.
I am making a short set. White shorts with a blue and white polka dot swing style top
Cleaning up from yesterdays birthday fun
I am working on a quilt using Sunflowers by Jane Dixon.
I’m cleaning today so I can play with fabric tomorrow.
I’m editing a magazine! That’s what I do five days a week. It takes a lot of creativity, like any other project. We have a great team.
I’m working on a Double wedding ring table runner
I’m playing hookey from work, sewing a Sew Together bag in a bright yellow zebra print, knitting a cotton string market bag, & reading an Outlander novel. Fun!
We’ve got storms in Sydney australia, so I’ll be trying to keep my preschooler and toddler occupied indoors another day! Hopefully I’ll also be able to squeeze in some knitting for baby number three. So fun 🙂
Today I’m working on getting rid of a yucky headache, but yesterday I was sewing up a storm on a quilt for my step-mom’s bday all in the shades of green that she loves.
what a lovely dress! I have been refashioning my outgrown tshirt for wearable ones today. 🙂
I worked all day teaching school and then spent time working on a ruffle dress for a customer of mine.
Unfortunately I am doing very little sewing today – fell and damaged my back and broke my arm, but I am going to try and cut out a quilt today with one hand because it’s for a birthday gift!
I was working on some housecleaning and organizing today! Thanks and God bless!
I went to a free motion quilting class this afternoon and I’m cutting out a block for a BOM project.
Spent the morning sewing the cutest little romper for my grandson. Then spent the afternoon cleaning up!
I am sewing up some purl soho city gym shorts and watching game of thrones (such productive multitasking), love the dress!
We have been busy painting the house in preparation for our daughter’s wedding in two weeks. Then I hope I can get back to sewing.
I am getting ready to go on a quilting retreat. Packing way too many projects to work on.
Love love love that dress and the fabric! Currently working on a couple dresses for my sweet little granddaughter!
I worked all day at my local quilt shop. Then signed up for classes at HMQS in May. I’m hoping to finish a quilt on my longarm tomorrow. You have a lovely blog.
I paid bills, completed 2 important tasks for my volunteer position at church, did laundry, specially cared for family pet (a dachshund, age 14) that is recovering from a siezure, and attended a meeting to learn about possibly getting cochlear implant. I daydreamed about scrapbooking, and I moved a project-bag comtaining my unfinished jean jacket that I need to sew in sleeves next.
I just finished sewing a Collette maxi dress for my 5 year old granddaughter! She loves it and it looks so beautiful on her!!!
I was reading to kids at school, then driving my daughter to activities tonight. Looking forward to sewing this weekend!
Very beautiful dress ! Today I have to finish 3 pillows covers quilted yesterday.
We have a break in the rain so I am cleaning the floors. Yeah for me.
I am working in the yard today but I knit when I have to take a break. I am knitting an afghan.
I’m working a summer dress for my 8yr. granddaughter that I actually cut out 2 years ago for her older sister.
I am working on some Pajama pants!
I have been unwell, so haven’t felt like sewing. Today however must mean I’m on my way to recovery, because I made a one hour basket from kelbysews tutorial. Love your dress.
I´m cleaning the house…
Today I’m working on a quilt. Love that fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am embroidering a small table runner…..and binding a quilt….
I am visiting my daughters and grandchildren. Maybe they can help me decide what my next sewing project will be!
Laundry, dishes, dog out dog in, vacumn, dusting, dog out dog in, then working on house warming quilt for a nephew 🙂
I’m working today, but hope to get a chance to do some sewing tonight.
Today I mow some grass, help finish our straw/stucco building and maybe work a bit on my Cathedral Windows pillow 🙂 the dress is adorable!
I made a stuffed lion, with a mane constructed of left-over curtain fringe. And every time I see your blog mission “to teach the world to sew”, I have the song running through my head. You know the one, I’d like to teach the world to sing, with perfect harmony (I think it was the Coke ad song many years ago). Anyways, now I’m writing your mission into a song …and I can’t get it out of my head! I’ll let you know how it goes. Let’s see now, I’d like to teach the world to sew, with hands and by machines; grow fabric trees, on a thread spool breeze, teach children and teach teens.
Now I have a new project, darn you!
I am going to work today. and a class tonight. No sewing till the weekend!
Today working on my granddaughters quilt for her graduation.
I’m making a sling bag for the Project Run and Play April Challenge. Hopefully I can post it tomorrow.
At the moment I am playing fetch with my rescue pup Gus.
I am working on a tailored denim skirt, teaching my kiddos, and going to archery class!
I’m moving furniture and cleaning and then heading out to do some errands.
Love the dress. I’m sewing pot grabbers for my niece and sister-in-law.They hang on the closest metal, like the refrigerator or stove, and used for the microwave mostly for pot lids or pot handles, and also making birthday cards.
finishing the quilting on a birthday quilt for family.
Working….but home later to work in the yard til dark, then sew!
Working on fixing a broken snap on kid’s romper outfit.
I am seeing up a mini quilt for a quilt swap I’m in!
I’m at work (8-5) but I’m actually designing a quilt that is for a fabric challenge…just don’t tell the bosses!
i’m working on a baby quilt, wedding quilt and a little boys quilt
I am typing from home today but can see directly into my sewing room and it is calling me…….I have some precious projects going on in there but I must work to support my habit. 🙂
Finishing up a T-shirt quilt!!
Today I worked on the table runners that I’m making for a friend’s wedding. After almost three weeks of work, they’re almost finished.
Today I am taking care of my three grandsons while their mom is out of town on a family emergency. (Dad works in Alaska). Went grocery shopping this morning and just came in from knitting while they played in the yard. Now to make dinner. They are such a joy and we are blessed to share a duplex with them.
Running kids around mostly but I hope to be able to sit down and work on my 4 year olds late birthday present, a Super Mario quilt.
We’re in the midst of a living room remodel and today I am painting.
I’m working on custom tote bags for two co-workers who are retiring next month.
I’m working on a pencil case at the moment. The weather here is beautiful at the moment so I’m also hanging out washing! Thank you for the giveaway of lovely fabric.
I’m working on finding fabric to play with so that I can learn to sew on my new machine!
I’m watching my two beautiful granddaughters today. 8 months and 4 years old. Mom and Dad went on vacation. Think I’ll need a long vacation when they get back (and a nap)!
I’m finishing up my stash reorganization – it got out of hand during several concurrent projects. These fabrics are lovely – and I have a clear spot for them. : ) Thanks! notwendy gmail
I am working from home, but working on quilts for triplets during lunch and in the evenings.
Cutting out aprons and pillowcases. Will sew tomorrow.
I am in the process of knitting myself a headband to cover up awkward hair growing stages in the coming months! And I have a skirt cut out on my dining table ready to sew this weekend.
After working all day I came home and fed the pups and took care of the chickens. I then planted some herbs that I got today from a horticulture class plant sale. I then made dinner and the I took a crafty moment to finish crocheting a tote from a pattern I found the other day.
Working on my regular engineer stuff… (now it’s lunch break though!) Thankful for the weekend which comes soon, so that I can go back on the dress I’m sewing at the moment!
My son and I are staying home sick today. After a nap, I will clean up the house a bit. By the way, I love the dress you made for your daughter. I would love to make one for my daughter.
Sewing up some manicure clutches.
Hopefully quilting a flying geese table topper I just finished. Might need to mop floor first.
Right now I am watching Night at the Museum with my kids.
Love this fabric and the sweet dress you made! I am working on a lap quilt for a relative going through a nasty recovery from a car accident.
Those dresses are divine! I wish I had a little girl, I would so make one! I’m working on some table runners right now…slow going I must say!
My machine is being serviced so I am cutting out future quilts – so far I have 5 quilts all cut and bagged – am currently playing with 2.5″ squares and making my first “watercolor” quilt layout. When I get my machine back it will be hard to decide with to stitch up first! I am totally in love with this fabric line.
HELLO, such a neat little dress>Love it!
I’m working on a quilted blue+cream baby charity blanket this week!
Thanks for sharing a great giveaway!
Working on the laundry and making some homemade bread to go with dinner.
I’m working on three music-themed quilts as well as a square dance shirt!
Love that you used a simple pattern to show off the fabric! I also love the soft colors! Hopefully, I will be making some slouch beanie hats and pants shortly!
I’m sewing and straight-line quilting a two-handed pot holder, hot handle holders and table hot pad as a wedding gift set (to accompany the pot I bought them that was part of their registry).
Weeding and mulching.
I’m recovering from a massive headache…enough so that I can do some browsing on the computer!
Thanks for the chance of winning your lovely giveaway!! I have a wee little girl in my life that I think needs a new little dress for the summer!
Your dress is adorable. Today I am cleaning house, getting rid of ants and re-organizing the areas. As well as taking breaks and sewing my self a dress for our sons wedding in a month.
I am working on tomato plant seedlings today!
Working on getting to the beach
my sewing machine is being serviced so i’m working on improving my hexie skills
Working on a quilt for project Linus love the fabric
Today I am working on packing my sold items on e-bay. It’s never ending.
Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful fabric.
Such a sweet dress: Can’t wait to see the other one! And today is Sunday, so I’m taking the day off from working, but hope to sew on a quilt tomorrow! 🙂
I’m working on a summer weight quilt right now. Your dress is beautiful!
Well, just got all our income tax stuff together for the accountant. Deadline is April 30 in Canada! Now going to sew!
I love the dress.
I’m piecing a back for my string quilt & using all the leftover strings! That’s a good feeling!
Thank you.
I love rediscovering websites I found in the past! Today I’m working on a photo album for my mother of the grandkids for Mother’s Day
I’m currently working on getting things organized around the house and finishing up a giant vintage star quilt for my little girl.
I’m working on a baby quilt this evening. The dress is so pretty!
That’s such a sweet dress! I love your Peter Pan collar! I’m currently working on Julie Herman’s Gravity BOM and finishing up the “Night before Christmas” Bunny Hill quilt.
Thank you for a change to win a bundle of this beautiful collection!
I’m working on genealogy until going to work at a quilt shop. When I get home, I’ll be working on a purse.
What a darling dress! Today I am working on the same thing I have been working on the past few months, trying to organize our house we recently moved into while simultaneously caring for our 3 young children. It’s always a balancing act!
Got a great new summer haircut today, wash and wear!
I spent most of the day binding a quilt, unpicking another quilt because my longarm wouldn’t play nice and tending grandkids. Thanks.
Hoping to get some flowers planted.
I was hoping to do some sewing today, but morning sickness has me down again. 🙁 Maybe tomorrow!
Laundry, but I would much rather be sewing with some pretty fabric!
Today I feel so off the wall that I don’t have anything specific to say I’m working on. I am hoping to finish the superhero peasant dress I started for my niece earlier this week.
I am working on a college themed baby quilt for one of my nephews who is having their first baby! So excited to give it to them because it will be a total surprise. 🙂
Lovely dress!!! This fabric is so prett too!!! Crossing my fingers!
Visiting my mom!
Finishing up a giant floor pillow and then will do some T -shirt dresses!!
Today I was working on getting my magnifying light fixed. Took back to where purchased as my birthday present and they fixed it for me. Now I can sew again as I can see again