Earlier this spring I put together our Azure Skies Quilt Pattern using some Riley Blake solid fabrics that I really loved.

And when I was finished I had a pile of scraps that were a variety of lengths but all the same width….and that got me thinking…and the next afternoon I stitched up all the scraps along with the left over white scraps from several quilt backings and BAM! I had a new baby quilt!

It was a super quick sew since the pieces were already cut and were all the same width.
Plus I didn’t spend a lot of time figuring out which colors and pieces should go where. I just started sewing them together in long strips and then sewing those strips together.

The result was a fun scrappy baby quilt that has a modern feel.

Often when I make large quilts I find myself with left over scraps that are close in size…and from now on I’m going to try to sew them up into these “bonus” baby quilts…instead of just hoarding them.

Although, to be honest I will probably still end up hoarding a fair amount of scraps. But those that I turn around and use will make perfect baby blankets to have folded and on hand ready to give away to new moms!

Happy Quilting!