2022 Monthly Book Challenge

This year we would like to invite you to join us in a monthly reading challenge.
We love to read…almost as much as we love to sew, quilt, and bake….so what would be better than having a monthly reading challenge to go along with our usual quilting and recipes?
Here’s how it is going to work:
- Each month we will post a challenge topic along with book suggestions.
- Then, each month, we will post again with recipes and patterns that are pair perfectly with the book suggestions.
- And then…..if you’d like, you can join us over on “The Stash” for more conversations about the books, the patterns, the recipes, etc.
Oh my gosh! This is going to be so much fun!!!
We have been talking about this for what feels like an eternity and this is the year to finally get it started…heaven knows after these last two years we could all use something new, lovely, excitng, relaxing, enjoyable, agreeable, etc. etc. etc. to revitalize us right?
Soooo….let’s get started!
Here is a sneak peek at the monthly topics:
(And keep your eyes peeled for a new post coming in a day or two all about the January Challenge!)
January: Start the Year by finishing a UFO….or….err…a UFB
We all having bins, closets, or rooms full of our sewing and quilting UFO’s (UnFinished Objects) but many of us also have a few UFB’s (UnFinished Books) on the shelves as well. So choose a book that you own but have never read….or started but have never finished.
February: Love Thyself
This month choose a self help/self reflection book that speaks to you!
March: Made into a Movie Madness
Choose a book that has been made into a movie.
April: Award Winning April
Choose a book that has won an award…any kind of award: Newbery, Pulitzer Prize, Edgar, etc.
May: May Flowers
In May choose a book with a flower on the cover or that has a flower in the title
June: Autobiographies on the Beach
In June pick an autobiography or memoir to read on the beach…or the porch…or on the couch. 🙂
July: The Summer of ’69
This month take a trip back in time and read something that was published before the year 2000
August: Just Two Words
Choose a book that has a two word title.
September: Back to School
Choose a book that you should have read in school…or that is on a current school reading list.
October: Scary Spooky Halloween
Choose a mystery, thriller, or horror book to read this month!
November: Wait…What? You Haven’t Read It?
Choose a book that “everyone” has read…except for you.
December: The Ghosts of Authors Past
Choose a book whose author has passed away.

So that is it! That is the year at a glance.
I can’t wait to get started. I’m really looking forward to this.