Right now Grace is obsessed with the movie BRAVE. And she is dying for her own bow and arrow set. So the other day while Ruth napped and we had the house to ourselves we made up some super easy arrows for her to give out on Valentine’s Day and a quiver for her to carry them in.
Sure, it’s not an official BRAVE set but for now she’s pretty excited and I think they will be fun for her to hand out on Valentine’s Day. So I thought I’d share with you how we made them in case your little girl would like to make some to.
And I’ll tell you right now, before we go any further, that these took me a lot less time to make than writing the tutorial for them did. (True story.)
Ok. Let’s start with the arrows. For these you will need jumbo pixie stix (although it would work with the smaller size as well), red felt, brown paper, and a glue gun.
For each arrow you will need 1 pixie stix and 2 red, felt hearts cut the same size and shape.
Then you glue one heart on each side of the pixie stix to make the arrow tip.
Next you cut your brown paper into rectangles with a triangle cut out of one end to make the feathered tip of the arrow.
After that cut some lines down each side of the rectangle to feather it and write who the arrow is from on the flat end.
Now attach one of these to each side of your arrow just like you did with the hearts.
And you’re done!
Now you’ll need something to carry those arrows in.
And I promise the quiver is just as easy to make as the arrows were.
First thing you are going to need is a round circle to trace for the bottom of your quiver. I used my favorite salsa bowl. It is 14 and 1/2 inches around.
So trace your circle onto some brown felt and cut it out. Then cut out a piece of felt that is as wide as your circle is round plus a generous half inch (for seam allowance) and tall enough to stand your arrow up in with the tips sticking out. (I made mine 12 inches tall.)
You’ll also need to cut the strap for your quiver. I cut mine 22 inches long and made it out of some left over cording from another project. But you could make your strap out of rope, braided yarn, whatever..
Now that your pieces are cut, sew your sides together with the straps sewn into the seams. Place one strap about and inch from the bottom and the other about 2 inches from the top.
Next fold the top over about an inch and run a stitch around it to tack it down.
After that pin the bottom of your quiver to the tube of the quiver. (Right sides together.) And sew all the way around it.
Now turn it back right side out and fill it up!
Like I said—it took longer to write this post than it did to make the entire project!
Oh well, sometimes things are like that.
Have a good weekend!
ps—linked HERE
those are so cool! i can only imagine how much she loves them! how special:)
What a great idea! My daughter is all about Brave right now too. I bet all the parents are going to LOVE you for giving their kids giant pixie stix lol -Jen
Very clever idea! You were probably high on your daughters “favorite” list that day. And great that it is such an easy project you could work on together. Great work mom!
I love this idea! I have been racking my brain on how to make a creative valentine for my 9 year old to help with and pass out. I think I will substitute pencils for the pixie sticks though!
Amazing idea! So cute!
LOL! I love that. So completely brilliant!
oh brilliance. as always.
very cute!!!
Long time reader, first time commenter, I think. You are so stinkin creative!! How do you do it? I mean were you just born this way? Your little Miss’ wardrobe, the little extras, this!!! Love your site! That is probably why I try to get thru my other emails first & open yours last, to savor it, like good chocolate!! kweenbee_612@yahoo.com
great idea!! and so cute!
Absolutely adorable … I just love the little bag!
Love this!!