Every year liZ and I decide that we want to do some simple Halloween costumes for kids that anyone can do. But it seems every year that time gets away from us, so we set a goal to get started early and really get some costume ideas out there. Some we have just recently thought of…and others we have been mulling over for quite some time now.
And we are excited to show you over the next couple of weeks exactly what we have been working on!
The first one is a dress done four ways. The first two ways are up today…and then we have two more that are coming that all use the same pattern.
Here is our modern take on a Little Orphan Annie Dress. We knew we wanted it to look like Annie, but we also knew that we wanted to create something that could last more than just one day…..so here it is.
An A-line dress with a peter pan collar, placket and some puffed sleeves to go with it. I really love this dress. I was seriously giddy when we put it on Ruth (and she was even excited to wear it!) and she looked so cute in it. I think it’s the perfect shape for a toddler girl…or any girl for that matter…it’s the same pattern block I used to make this dress for Hannie’s first day of school.
And here is the same dress made for a Modern Madeline, inspired by the one I made almost 4 years ago….it’s still one of my favorites.
And we know you need some boys’ costume inspiration too…..so we teamed up with the DIY Network to bring you some costumes for all your kiddos 😉 The first one up over there is this little Chimney Sweep Costume.
You can head over to the DIY Network to see all the details of how we made the chimney sweep broom and put the rest together with clothing and a borrowed hat 😉
And there are a lot more coming in the weeks ahead…..because we just can’t help ourselves….we ADORE making Halloween Costumes.
(Hannie’s costume this year is going to give me a run for my money, though…..I purchased a whole bolt of fabric for it. And a ginormica hoop skirt. And I am going to try draping it…..cross your fingers that it turns out 😉
I’ve got two out of three handled already. 🙂 The oldest, Grace, wants to be a zombie and wants to make it HERSELF. *sigh* She’s six. I miss the days she would tell me what she wanted to be… it was always something you can’t buy. Three-year-old Nikki wants to be a “scary ghost”. I whipped her out a costume last week in an evening. I didn’t press anything, and after I’d sewn all the pieces together, I cut it, very raggedly, into uneven strips. She’s got a white shirt, leggings, tights, and shoes to wear underneath because the fabric I had on hand was thin and lightweight. It’s usually still pretty warm around here on Halloween, so it should be fine. The youngest, Alex, well, we decided he’s going to be a vampire. I just finished his costume yesterday. So total cost this year is $6 because I didn’t have any black fabric on hand and we had to buy that. The rest came from my hoard, including the patterns!
$6 for all their costumes…that is awesome. And I think after awhile the 6 year old *might* let you help when she realizes it probably isn’t going to be that easy 😉