Last week when Elizabeth and I were in Sioux City making skirts for Skirting the Issue we met a remarkable women who had fostered more children than she could count. (Her first foster child just turned 44.)
She told us a lot of stories about her children and how fostering changed her life…in small ways…and in large ways…(she adopted 4 of her foster children). And we drank in her goodness.
But then she told us something that changed my life. She told us “the secret” to foster parenting.
The children who come are in the system lead unsettled, and often turbulent and lonely lives. Not only do they need something that is “theirs” they need to know that someone is thinking about them…and watching out for them…and loving them. And so she said that every night at her home she listened to the same radio station as everyone did their bed time routine. And as she told each of her children goodnight she would point out the north star and tell them that whatever happens and where ever they go all they need to to is look at the north star and remember that she is waiting there for them at home, thinking of them and wishing them goodnight.
Every year as we progress through the month of Skirting the Issue I am fed by all of your goodness. I love the power for good that we women can be. I cry as your packages start arriving at my home full of beautiful skirts made by beautiful women that I’ve never met. I am thankful to join in working on a project with all of you and I am inspired by all of your examples of goodness.
As the month comes to an end I just want to let you know how much I appreciate all of you sewing along with us. I know that Skirting the Issue doesn’t officially end until August 15th but we will return to “our regularly scheduled programming” on Monday and I just wanted to quickly share a heart felt thank you. And please know as Elizabeth and I are sewing skirts we are thinking about all of you who are sewing along with us.
PS: The printable from above was made using my MINC machine…which I love…and will be included in the “surprise package” from Elizabeth and I to one of our Skirting the Issue sew along winners. (The printable that is…not my precious MINC machine!!!)
Hugs to both of you for encouraging your readers to sew along for this worthwhile cause. What a sweet story… thank you for Sharing!