Be Kind To Yourself
During February we are often thinking more about love and kind things we can do for others…but I think we need to remember to be kind to ourselves this month too. As moms we need to remember to not compare ourselves or judge ourselves by what other’s are doing…this is our own personal race, not theirs.
So, I’ve been brainstorming ways we can be kinder to ourselves this month and I am giving you all permission to do some (or all) of them!
Ways to Be Kind To Yourself
*Take a nap (either once a week or even everyday)
*Buy yourself a new journal and write in it
*Get a new good book and read it all in one day
*Write yourself some positive messages on your mirror
*Buy a new tube of lipstick in a color you have never worn (be brave!)
*Sew something just for yourself
*Make YOUR favorite meal for dinner (even if no one else will eat it 😉
*Find a new hobby that you love to do (mine is Foundational paper piecing–I can’t get enough!)
*Take a long bath with a magazine or bath salts
*Set up a lunch date with a friend
*Turn off screens and don’t believe the “perfect world of social media”
*Take a walk in the sunshine (even if it’s cold 😉
*Go to bed earlier
*Wake up earlier and do something for yourself
*Get a manicure or pedicure (this is on my list–it happens about once a year!)
*Try a new food that you’ve always wanted to try
*Stop judging yourself (you are great and deep down you already know it!)
*Nourish yourself (I am talking eat more than a string cheese and a granola bar at 3 pm while waiting in the car pool line)
*Watch a move that you find hilarious (laughter really is good medicine!)
*Listen to music you love all day
*Give yourself a facial or mask at home (I have never done this, have you?)
*Listen to a new podcast
*Say no to something you really need to say no to (give yourself permission to not over-book yourself!)
*Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen in years
What else can we do? I know you all have some amazing ideas—let’s hear them!
We are on the same wavelength today! I scrubbed my tub today while in the shower in preparation for a long soak in the tub when I get home from work. I haven’t used one of my special bath bombs people who love me gave to me at Christmas. This is a problem.
I’m watching the Olympics for the next 2 weeks. Because I want to, and for the first time in a decade, I CAN! Some of my kids are watching with me, and some are throwing a fit because it’s “their” turn to choose what to watch … and they can just deal. Last night, I put them to bed on time and then went back downstairs and turned the TV back on to watch ice skating until midnight.