Today we are excited to release another new quilt pattern….our Big Fat Scrap Quilt Pattern! (We released this pattern months ago over in THE STASH but are finally releasing it to the public!)
The Big Fat Scrap Quilt is the perfect quilt for using up all those precious pieces of fabric that you have been saving for just the right project…the random end of bolt cut you couldn’t resist, that ¼ yard of fabric you loved but had no idea what to use it for, and the leftovers from a favorite quilt back.

Now it’s finally their time to shine!!! Just pull them out, mix them together and enjoy snuggling underneath all their patterned glory.

The Big Fat Scrap Quilt Pattern is not only good for scraps but is also a quick sew…different than most of our patterns you will be “quilting by number” and whipping up this fun throw in no time.
The finished size of this quilt is 54″ x 60″

To get this new PDF just click over HERE to our shop!
Happy Quilting!