Garden of Quilts 2021

We are so excited to be heading back to the Garden of Quilts again this year!
The Garden of Quilts happens every fall at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah.
The setting really is beautiful…the gardens and waterfall…but what I really love is all of the quilts swaying out there in the breeze!

All those fabulous quilt together…on display in the fresh air seems magical!
Aside from all of the eye candy there are classes and shopping and food!
This year we will be teaching another beginning quilt class…one that we have never taught before.
Our Charming Churndash Pattern!

The Churndash quilt block is such a great block and this quilt top finishes up so wonderfully. We are excited to teach this pattern.
Our class at Garden of Quilts will be Saturday afternoon (from 2:00-5:00) and at the time I’m typing this there were still some spots available!
You can sign up for our class HERE.
And you can find out all the details about Garden of the Quilts HERE.

We hope to see you there!
It should be so much fun!