A Farmers Market popped up at the park next to my house this summer and I fell in love. It was fabulous to go every Saturday and pick up fresh fruit, vegetables, breads, etc.
Over the weeks my family and I became enamored by all the beautiful produce on display and found ourselves trying food that we haven’t often, if ever eaten….food like Swiss Chard.

I initially bought Swiss Chard because I wanted to draw it. The colored stalks…the lovely leaves….it was asking to be studied and drawn…but then I wondered exactly what it was and how one would eat it.
Here is what I found out:

Swiss Chard is a dark leafy green that is related to the beet and spinach family…and tastes somewhere in between. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

It’s also super good for you…like super food, super good for you. It is full of Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron, and fiber…all things that I need!!!!
And once I realized how good it was for me I wanted to figure out how to incorporate it into my diet soooo….

I started experimenting and here is what I found:
*When cooked the stems have a celery like consistency but lighter flavor while the leaves have a texture similar to spinach.
*Young leaves are great shredded in salad.
*Leaves and stems are great chopped and added to stir fry.
*Leaves and stems add texture and flavor to loads of different soup recipes.
*Leaves are great sauteed…but the stems aren’t so great cooked this way….and I must admit….this is my least favorite way to eat Swiss Chard.
*Chopped leaves are fantastic in omelettes.
*Basically Swiss Chard can be added to anything that you would add spinach or kale to…HOWEVER…the texture is less stiff and (i think) preferable to kale…and the leaves hold up better when cooked than spinach leaves to.

I’ve turned into a complete and total Swiss Chard fan. Currently I cook with it at least once a week. It’s beautiful, tasty, and has the nutrients that my body needs!
So next time you have the chance to give Swiss Chard a whirl…go for it…and let me know what you think.
***Also…watch for upcoming recipe posts that incorporate Swiss Chard! I will share some of my favorites!***