Recently while fabric shopping at Joann Fabric and Crafts, I spied ear warmers and gloves in their dollar bins. I thought that they would make some great last-minute holiday gifts for some girls on our list so I grabbed quite a few sets. I then ran over to grab some wool felt and pompoms and I knew we had all the supplies for a perfect afternoon of crafting.
And then Hannie saw them and thought that they would make perfect gifts for her friends. So, last week, we spent some time after homework cutting out holly leaves and hot gluing them on the ear warmers and mittens. We probably should have used fabric glue but our bottle had the lid left off and was as hard as a rock—and we were in a crafting mood—-so we forged ahead without it.
But, if you are going to buy all the supplies….I would use fabric glue….just saying.
And I think they turned out darling.
We even went one season ahead and made some darling Valentine ones (but we will wait and show you those in January…..;)
P.S. It’s the last week of school for my kids and I think I am happier about it than they are….I seriously can’t wait.
P.P.S. The QUILT giveaway ends tonight…..make sure you have entered (and/or made people enter for you so they can give it to you for Christmas!) Head to the quilt giveaway here!!!
P.P.S.S. If you are stopping by Jo-Ann we have a coupon for you to use there:
And you can check out their holiday catalog HERE!
*Note: We were given a gift card for this post but all the ideas and opinions are our own.
…so simple, so cute