Today I am excited to finally release our Santa (and His Elf) Quilt Pattern!

The idea for this quilt came about a year ago when my family was putting together a tree for the “Festival of Trees” (a local festival where trees are sold, through a silent auction, and all proceeds go to our children’s hospital).

My family does a tree for the festival every year and last year our tree had an elf theme…and every year we pair the tree with a quilt….soooo…an elf inspired quilt was in order.
Ok, so you can’t actually see the quilt in the picture but I promise it is there. We are just standing in front of it. But, if you could have seen it all laid out it looked like this:

And I had so much fun making it that I made another…and another.
Then I realized if I changed the bottom it could be a Santa Quilt as well!
So I made one of those.

And then another…and another…and before long I had Santa and His Elf Quilts coming out my chimney! (And the pattern was born.)
Here’s all the details:
The “Santa (and his Elf) Pattern” is a great two for one pattern.
Create this quilt top in your choice of colors (I used a combination of Riley Blake solids) and coat styles to create either Santa or his Elf. Then, as the quilt finishes up at the manageable size of 44″ x 54″, it can be used all holiday season long as a wall hanging, throw, lap quilt, or children’s reading quilt. With large easy to cut pattern pieces this quilt is a quick sew that turns out darling.
You can find the Santa (and His Elf) PDF Quilt Pattern HERE in our shop. And because it is such a quick sew you can have it all sewn up and ready to go in time for the holiday!
Happy Quilting!
I love it! It’s so cute! How about an alternate collar option for those of us who haven’t yet learned how to sew curves??